Month: July 2023

The Advantages of Opting for Asphalt Shingles

The Advantages of Opting for Asphalt Shingles Versatility and Lightweight Nature Asphalt shingles are a universally fitting roofing option, adapting perfectly to various roof angles, shapes, and forms. With minimal slope requirements, they're suitable for nearly all North American homes. Their lightweight nature ensures no extra strain on roof trusses or decking, unlike heavier roofing…

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How to Choose a Kitchen Remodeling Contractor in Lexington, Kentucky

Remodeling your home is a great way to increase its value. However, some improvements bring a better return on investment than others. Here are some things to consider when choosing the right contractor for your project. Green Star Remodeling specializes in kitchen remodeling Lexington KY. Its team of professionals prioritize quality and customer service. They…

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